Deborah Linares
UIUC Latina Breast Cancer Screening Article Database
This project is a collaborative effort with Dr. Lydia Buki (University of Miami) which reviews the US Latina breast cancer screening literature from 1980-2010 to examine trends and patterns in order to gain new insight and future directions for the screening literature.
UIUC Cancer Health Literacy Measure for Breast and Cervical Cancer in Uruguay
This project is a collaboration with UIUC and the Universidad Catolica del Uruguay which focuses on adapting and examining the psychometric properties of a health literacy measure focusing specifically on cultural and conceptual knowledge, the Cancer Health Literacy Measure-Breast and Cervical Cancer (Buki & Yee, 2008), for breast and cervical cancer screening. Data collection occurred during the summer of 2011 among native Uruguayan women 40-65 years of age across 5 regions of Uruguay.